Registration of a child in the Royal Kindergarten

Registrace do Králoské mateřské školy - Royal kindergarten registration

The following text describes in detail the procedure for registering your child in the bilingual Czech – English Royal Kindergarten in Prague Kobylisy. You can write any questions using the contact form at the bottom of this page.

Open Door days

Open house days at the Royal Kindergarten (registered by the MŠMT) takes place is in the form of individual meetings of legal representatives with the management of the MŠ. Interested people have the opportunity to explore the premises of the kindergarten, garden and discuss any questions that will interest you. It is also possible to view our premises on the web site in the form of a virtual tour. The purpose of the joint meeting should be to clarify if our bilingual training program matches with yours ideas. If the appointment is scheduled at an hour when the classroom is not in the education program, parents can also meet with our teachers, look into classes and backgrounds. The meeting should help to get acquainted with the philosophy of our kindergarten and decide what program to start in our bilingual classes – in relation to the age of the child and the educational opportunities within its school education system.

Registration form – application form

We accept applications for the school year 2025/2026 from March 2025 to April  2025. The order of incoming registration forms is one of the criteria for admission to the kindergarten.

Complete the Registration form send by e-mail: (or you can go to our mailbox or pass it personally in the office of the school head).

Meeting with the child's legal representative

On the basis of the Registration Form, the kindergarten invites the child’s legal representative to a personal meeting, which takes place in the kindergarten with the participation of the headmaster / deputy of the kindergarten (the condition for accepting a child is only to carry out this meeting). At the meeting we also prefer to take a child that should be enrolled in the kindergarten. Parents will also receive a parent manual and other information materials that can be read in peace at home.

After the meeting, parents receive a contract via e-mail. The signing of the contract is only after the adoption of the decision to accept the child to the kindergarten.

With signing of the contract will necessary have to bring the accompanied Evidenční List – by a certified pediatric – for proper vaccination and eligibility of the child for admission to the kindergarten. The kindergarten can accept only a child who has undergone regular vaccinations according to the Czech Republic’s vaccination calendar or can not be vaccinated for permanent contraindication. With the arrival of the child in the college of the kindergarten, also the form of infections – Bezinfekčnost. Both forms will be received at the first meeting. With the signing of the contract, the legal representative undertakes to pay the registration fee, an assurance amounting (which is refundable according to the contract) and at the same time to pay the school fees and meals for the first school commenced month.

Preferably, the following are accepted:

  1. The siblings of children attending kindergarten or affiliation programs have been visited in the past or whose siblings attend a different level of education in the Royal School system.
  2. Children interested in enrolling in the 5-all-day attendance program.
  3. Children by age in this order: Preferred are five-year-olds with compulsory pre-school attendance, followed by four and three-year-olds – who do not wear diapers, change with minimal help, they are able to follow simple rules, separate themselves from their parents and adequately express their needs.

If the school capacity permits, the child can be admitted to pre-school education even during the school year.

The director of the school decides on the admission of a child with special health needs at the request of a legal representative, a doctor’s statement, a special pedagogical center or a pedagogical psychological counseling center.