Organisation of education

Organizace vzdělávání v Královské mateřské škole

Our kindergarten is not only a place of entertainment, but also a learning centre. We accept children aged from 2,5 to 6 years and also older children who have been recommended to postpone the start of primary school by a Educational-Psychological Counselling. Accommodating younger children is dependent upon an individual agreement with the management of the kindergarten. We strive to create a friendly family atmosphere in which your child will feel safe and will enjoy himself/herself. We make sure children have enough opportunities to exercise and play and we try to make the link between different activities natural and as smooth as possible. We encourage and lead children to becoming self confident and independent. We teach them to express their ideas and feelings and listen to others. Children´s individuality and healthy lifestyle ranks very high on your list of priorities. Our goal is to lay the foundations for lifelong learning for all children according to their abilities, interests and needs.

The full-day programme with daily routine is designed in cooperation with educational specialists, paediatricians and psychologists. Great emphasis is placed on the balance of different kinds of activities – exercise, learning, creativity, free time, self-reflection and assessment of children – in order to balance the development of all skills and character traits of children.

Our kindergarten is bilingual – children speak with teacher both languages – English / Czech. This is a good choice for parents who are considering placing their offspring in a Czech speaking kindergarten yet wish for them to develop a good basis for learning a foreign language in the future. The most common choice of foreign language in this type of kindergarten is English, however, we can also provide courses in other languages such as Spanish, French, Italian or Chinese like a afternoon clubs activities. The used teaching method is based on a natural (by play) acquaintance with the foreign language. It is generally believed that children who have some knowledge of a foreign language understand their mother tongue better.

Besides language teaching our school provides a wide range of other activities crucial for the development of your child´s personality such as arts, music, dramatic skills and sports. In the afternoon time, we offer a wide interest clubs of vocational activities which concentrate on the following aspects: healthy exercise, developing motor skills, creativity through art, talent development, social relationships, memory exercises, relaxation, etc.

What must an accredited kindergarten comply with?

It must have professionally trained staff according to Act 563/2004 Coll., on pedagogical workers.

They must comply with legislation and other rules (School Act, Framework Education Plan, Health and Safety, first aid training, continuing education of teaching staff, pedagogical evaluation = continuous evaluation of children and compliance with the educational plan and goals).

It is subject to inspection by the Czech School Inspectorate.

It is subject to further inspections by the Regional Hygiene Station, the Fire Brigade, the Building Authority, the Regional Authority, the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports.

It offers children a standard in upbringing and education with a view to ensuring continuity of knowledge and skills when transitioning to elementary school.

Compared to state kindergartens, however, our private kindergarten has a much smaller number of children per teacher = the possibility of more intensive individual work with children.